Superset Your Way To Super Legs

Superset Your Way To Super Legs 

 By Alex Silver-Fagan


This power-developing leg workout will improve the strength and look of your glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Give it a try! 
My workouts are tough, hard hitting, and all about functionality. This leg workout is no different. I designed it to help you improve the explosive power of your lower body and to help you get better at doing the things we do every day, like picking things up off the ground and walking around with weight in your hands.

Anyone—guy or gal—who wants to develop stronger glutes and hamstrings will benefit from doing this high-volume workout. I suggest you implement it into your current training program 1-2 times per week. No need to do it more than that.

Because this workout is built on supersets, your heart rate will remain high through the entire workout. So, not only will you build strength, you'll also improve your overall fitness and conditioning, helping you build a super body!

During the first superset, use a box that allows you to hit parallel on your squats. Don't rock back and forth when you hit the box. Touch your butt to the box, and then explode up. Use weight that's challenging; those 5 reps should be tough! Move immediately to jump squats, and jump as high as you can. Your legs should be burning, and you should feel out of breath.

The two exercises in the second superset will work your glutes and hamstrings. That's why I put them together. During Romanian deadlifts, keep your feet under your hips and move your butt back. Keep your neck in a neutral position by looking down. On the kettlebell swings, hinge your hips the same way—push them back, then thrust them forward. The weight should move because your hips do, not because your arms do.

During the third and final superset, use weight that makes the lunges challenging, but not impossible. Don't let your front knee collapse in as you walk. When you get to the step-ups, use a bench or box that is high enough to be difficult. They should have your legs burning. Don't quit! Your results will be well worth the effort!

Onyx Fitness Training
4624 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, Fl 33021 



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