6 Ways Water Benefits Your Body That You Never Even Thought Of

6 Ways Water Benefits Your Body That You Never Even Thought Of Cailyn Cox We all know the importance of drinking water, and quite simply put, if you don't drink enough fluids, you will die. But do you know the exact reasons you should be drinking water, other than the age old saying that "it's good for you?" Well, there's a lot of reasons why it's good for you, from improved brain health , to helping dissolve fats and soluble fibers, and below are six ways in which water benefits your body (that you may not have thought of before). It helps maintain your body fluids: The body is made up of around 60 percent of water, which is used to conduct a number of different things. According to WebMD, these include regulating body temperature, the creation of saliva, digestion of food, and the absorption and transportation of nutrients across the body. It can keep you full: Now we're not suggesting you live off water, but water, when combin...