A 9/11 Experience: My Connection to Flight 93

A 9/11 Experience: My Connection to Flight 93 by D.O.C. I have a personal connection to the September 11th attacks in 2001, particularly Flight 93 . I am one of the few Americans to encounter the terrorists, then participate in the conflict they started. I did not understand that until years later. It began August 2000. I had just graduated high school and was working a job at Publix Supermarket in Miramar. Towards the end of the year, I had left that job in search of a fitness job, which was my new passion. I applied to many local gyms including Club Fit (defunct) and L.A. Fitness in Pembroke Pines. I finally settled on a gym called US1 Fitness, which at the time was located in Dania Beach. Ziad Jarrah The terrorist I encountered as a teenager fresh out of high school was Ziad Jarrah , the lead hijacker who took the wheel of Flight 93 that crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on 9/11/01. Very polite person. I remember him asking me two questions. The first, how to use a particul...